API Functions

Here are the API functions available to you

Base URL


SMS Transactions Lookup

GET Transactions on SMS

GET https://adjutor.lendsqr.com/oraculi/sms/:mobile_number/transactions

This endpoint is used to get the transactions associated to a particular bank account from the user's bank SMS

Path Parameters


"narration":"099MJKL22352kM1U/TRF//FRM BELTHA idubamo slink TO Beltha Id",
"date":"2022-12-18 00:00:00"
"narration":"099MJKL22353Fuff/901 Airtime Topup/+2347088500088/USSDETUSS",
"date":"2022-12-19 00:00:00"
"narration":"099MJKL22353Fpze/REVERSAL FOR AIRTIME TOPUP FOR 07088500088",
"date":"2022-12-19 00:00:00"
"message":"We're deprecating this endpoint starting from 2023-04-01, please use the new version /v2/oraculi/sms/08128380177/transactions going forward."

SMS Accounts Lookup

GET Accounts on SMS

GET https://adjutor.lendsqr.com/oraculi/sms/entities/:bvn/accounts

This endpoint is used to get the accounts associated to a user from their bank SMS

Path Parameters


    "message":"We're deprecating this endpoint starting from 2023-04-01, please use the new version /v2/oraculi/sms/entities/22486928359/accounts going forward."

Last updated